I really fucking do.
According to the latest UN estimates, there are over 7 billion people living on Earth. 7 billion filthy humans, eating, sleeping, talking, shitting, and just generally being a blight on this planet. I'm not even kidding, that blight anology is not a rhetorical exageration -- when's the last time you looked at some satellite photos? It's really quite eye-opening. Outside quite specific cases and completely unbearable wastelands (e.g. rainforests), all of Earth is covered from pole to pole in the unmistakeable signs of human habitation. Shit-colored asphalt roads, endless soil-raping farmland, not to speak of the smog-covered urban shitholes and their sprawling suburban vomit. I'm sorry I have to break it like this, but planet Earth suffers from stage 4 ecological cancer, and the only cure is a good o' asteroid smack right across the face. It's no fucking wonder half the wildlife tries its best to kill us. If it were up to me, 9 out of 10 humans on earth would be mauled by flesh-eating bears by the end of next week. Start with China.